The Magic Realist

Do What You Love – Love What You Do

Blissfulness of Engagement

You can love what you do or else do what you love.
There’s no other alternative to living well.
Neither is of more essence. They both are the same.
Spreading into the framework of life is a game.
One need not be the expert but simply excel
At achieving the peace that all are worthy of.

People do things they don’t like and suffer lifelong.
Their commitment to duty or ill perceived need
Can enslave them to lifelessness. Is this the way
To a life of fulfillment rather than dismay?
What comes naturally will help one to succeed
At whatever is chosen. One cannot go wrong.

Doing what is allowed, one can then safely say
That comfort in belonging suffices for growth.
Doing just what is needed, and joyfully so,
Is the way to enlightenment with room to grow.
There’s no reason apparent that one can’t be both
In love with what one’s doing and with every day.

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