The Magic Realist

Cubic Justice

Creative dissolusion

What occurs on Fifth Avenue could be a crime.
It depends on how well it’s played out in the cube.
Quadrilateral justice with votes up or down
Is the way to clear outlaws in government town.
Senators who were well paid will pump up the droob.
The swamp hasn’t been emptied. It’s now legal slime.

Arrogance becomes cubic for all to behold.
What is seen is a mockery on the world stage.
We’re a toddler brat nation. Our mother, the queen,
May be glad we’ve detached from their ruling machine.
Can we catch up on wisdom and then turn the page
To a brighter new chapter? What peace may unfold?

Cubic Justice is futile. It can’t stand the test
We The People administer. It Will Fall Flat!
In the country’s best interest, must we behave
As the brutal slave master’s most tractable slave?
We are much more in touch with our freedoms than that.
Can we look at the circus and hope for the best?

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