The Magic Realist


Insurmountable Joy

New beginnings in fashion cyclic and ornate
Are for people to celebrate good times ahead
That have now begun happening. Now is to cheer
In a loud enough manner to dissipate fear.
When the masses are ready to rise from the dead
Ways of old to rebirth, then there’s no time to wait.

I’m less likely to hold back a word that I write.
History is a fractal of which I’m a part.
Languages of all nations and peoples worldwide
Have our passion in common. Can that be denied
By the spirit that moves us to speak from the heart?
Hell has been brought upon us. The future is bright.

I receive impulses from within how I feel,
Who I am, and what keeps me still wanting to live
Quite in spite of the struggle to see the beauty
In the nature of ugliness so that I’ll be
In a place where I better can learn to forgive.
In this way I can go for the lofty ideal.

In the reconnecting to the theme central to
The awakened identity, one can embrace
The unknown with compassion by infinite grace.
To ensure the survival of our human race
Can we do without hatred? We’re in the right place
For a grand Celebration for what we’ve been through.

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