The Magic Realist

Awareness In Any Moment

Instantaneous Joy

Special moments come often when I am aware
That they are most significant. Meditation
Can be done while in motion with life as it plays
With fun-loving lightheartedness most of my days.
I access deeper presence once I have begun
Treating each iteration of life with much care.

I’m aware in this moment of being at peace
With myself and with others, yet vibrant I feel
Underneath my composure. If I shout with praise
Perhaps people would notice then augment their ways
But I know folks have free will. It’s not a big deal
For Right Now is the place where I master release.

Being conscious of being conscious of the fact
That my conscious awareness of being aware
Of the self brings a merging. Subject and object
Become one in communion with no intellect
To fog up the occasion which wouldn’t be fair
To myself nor to those with whom I interact.

In nature there is stillness. To meet with a tree
Or to contact the earth directly through the feet
Are but teaching experiences of many
Where I can master moments by letting each be
As it is without judgement – an essence complete
In itself with perfection most naturally.

Lessons learned about stillness are taken to heart.
They’re the keys to the moment when it appears lost
In the haze of the thought sphere of business at hand.
I surrender to freedom as it will demand
Every bit of my energy but at no cost
For ensured re-fulfillment and a fresh new start.

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