The Magic Realist

A Day For A Daydream

Nature's Pleasant Surprises

Loving spoonfuls of wonder, a blanket of snow
Unexpectedly ushering fun and delight,
And a childlike excitement are right for this day.
I may just bundle up and then go out and play.
Let the new year be subtle yet sunny and bright.
What the past has to offer I don’t need to know.

It’s A Day For A Daydream to last through the year –
One that I create each moment I choose to be
Receptive to the nature of all that takes place
In a world made magnificent. Our human race
Is both symptom and cure for its insanity.
All the newness I’m feeling is not tied to fear.

I have work that I must do… much of it mundane
With some fruitful forgetting and more yet to learn.
Each moment is the starting point of the release
Of life spent and the welcoming in of new peace.
How I live for this day is my only concern.
What has not come awake is my urge to complain.

Hopefulness is the pleasure of provident grace.
Reassures me it does that at least I exist
Right along with the space and the things around me.
I reach out in true blindness but contentedly.
In the long run there’s nothing of life that I’ve missed
So this day made forever is all I embrace.

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