The Magic Realist

Submergence Into Self

Deep Self-Analysis

Transient are some tensions that debilitate
And cause psychic confusion when one is alone.
They connect to the deeper ones if one is caught
In a whirlpool consisting of circular thought.
When it happens I sometimes feel cut to the bone
Where the matter, now marrow, becomes evil’s bait.

Convoluted emotions turn me inside out.
If I try to suppress them they grow even worse.
Intellect is a hamster’s wheel trying to still
Uncontrollable feelings. Yet it can’t fulfill
What it wants to so desperately. It’s a curse
To behold my submergence in utter self-doubt.

Sensitive are the issues that I have to face
At one time or another. Why do I delay
What I know is forthcoming? Though it causes pain
If I work my way through it, indeed I will gain
Needed healing and insight to show me the way
To a peaceful existence in God’s loving grace.

When in touch with the hidden aspects of my soul
Revelations significant to what I’ve done
In the past provide assurance I’ll come to know
The extent of the harm and the debt that I owe
To all whom I’ve mistreated forgetting not one.
While within the submergence I can become whole.

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