The Magic Realist

Social And Professional Standing

The Horizontal Ladder

We rejoice when we see there’s a viable team
Who will work with integrity. Virtue Is Strength!
The psychotic reality now steps aside
For the best of our nature to take on with pride
Cleaning up the disaster. So now, to what length
Will the evil one stoop to secure his regime?

Minions quake in their britches as truth filters in
And with slowness sufficient to ruthlessly clear
All the webs of corruption and moral deceit
That their souls had collected. Their coming defeat
Arouses celebration. Street dancing and cheer
In great magnitude worldwide bursts forth from within.

 I believe in real people – not pumped up balloons
That are pampered in privilege and without soul
Nor connection to objective reality.
Reputations of humans may be weaponry
But they beat those of plastic with greed as their goal.
My vote cast is, in short, to get rid of buffoons.

Human standing should mean something as it once did
Way back in the ‘before time.’ How near is relief
To hear news about issues of human concern
Rather than who the tyrant has chosen to spurn?
We The People United are firm in belief
That the crime done in private will soon be unhid.

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