The Magic Realist

Right Leadership

What can be called Right Leadership? What does it mean?
To the leader and leadee, are they both the same?
To some, it comes quite easily… Others, with pain.
One who is resolute and wise is to our gain.
Otherwise, in the world’s eyes, we wallow in shame.
We are hardly a model right now. We’re obscene.

We’ve been stuck in a deep pit for more than too long.
 To escape, what is needed is a special gear.
Enough force of momentum and focus of heart
In a leader can lead us out. All must take part
In maintaining the framework most of us hold dear.
Do we need the best leader to all get along?

Could we use some more pressure? Sufficient it’s not
For the depth we have fallen. It is a tough climb
To get back to the freedoms of democracy.
If we were ever there once, that’s were we should be.
Practical difficulties contingent to time
Hold us in a predicament within a plot.

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