The Magic Realist

Repair Works

Wanting Power To Make Changes

Any system quite broken by constant abuse
Everyday for a long time needs urgent repair.
People eager and qualified to do just that
Now prepare for the challenge of moral combat.
Their support is akin to the rockets with glare
That we haven’t had sight of since hell was let loose.

Radical are the changes that need to be made
To malfunctioning structures that have been in place
For too long and were implemented from abroad.
History will devote much to this era’s fraud
Running foot loose and rampant. What utter disgrace
Is a sodomized country consumed by charade.

When in contact with criminals folk become ill
And receptive to logic that elevates crime
To a complex fecality meant to portray
Every act as benign. What a price they must pay
For the harm done to so many in a short time.
What will be returned to us is our civil will.

Time for digging beneath the fake surface has come.
Fairly soon the illusion dissolves into dust.
And the focus on issues of human concern
Elevates the Repair Works that we may return
To a functioning freedom in genuine trust
That we’ll never return to what we’ve survived from.

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