The Magic Realist

Depletion Region


A rat’s ass for a gift I received just today
From one of those scientists wanting my vote.
But electoral physics are quanta to me.
If I could but know them my mind would be free
To make a decision arrived at by rote.
Thanks for caring, dear carrier.  Speak what you may.  

The currency wanting through popular force
Is prevented from flowing to circuitry’s roots
The barrier’s there when no force is applied.
It gets even stronger when rights are denied.
Human Solid State nature has some attributes
That make issues of governance par for the course.

As the sides come to scrimmage which path does truth take?
Can grass-rooted bias the State overcome?
Our electors are carriers charged just the same
Whom can turn either way with protection from blame.
The process is like rocket science to some.
And for we the vast ignorant, our souls are at stake.

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