The Magic Realist

Delight In The Passing Of Waste

Purging Long Overdue

Starting out with a huge dump, this day has been great!
Fecal matter seemed to come from out of nowhere
And it happened not once or twice but indeed three.
How on earth did all this crap get inside of me?
What had been digesting for four years was in there.
I feel much like a new man. It was worth the wait.

This is good information I’m willing to share
Believing it’s not too much to gross people out.
I’ve a new sense of freedom in all that I feel
Since the nightmare is over I can with much zeal
Lose the waste I’ve collected. I have little doubt
That my joy won’t offend folk. You need be aware.

The earth has a completeness. There was a black hole
At the center of consciousness pulling all in.
With no means of escape for the revealing light
Darkness had become normal as wrong became right.
Light is now shown upon us so we may begin
Taking back our wellbeing and blessing our soul.

Already people are showing signs of relief.
The unrighteous disease is now reversing course
Making way for fresh symptoms of total world health.
Governance with the heart is the key to our wealth.
Our digestive hygiene our leaders will endorse.
The good health of our nation to them will be chief.

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