The Magic Realist

Blue Shift

Inner Sense Of Direction

Any decrease in wavelength across the spectrum
Of a country divided must show an increase
In the heart-centered frequency of its people.
Zombified, the deplorables haven’t much pull.
Skirmishes will be noted. The madness will cease,
And the saner majority shall overcome.

In the toilet of Putin a mass of feces
Sits and stinks to low Hades of worldwide abuse.
History has not written yet what will unfold.
The sick souls of a small group are bought and controlled.
Human weakness exploited, evil will seduce
Politicians of purpose with relative ease.

In the visible spectrum of light can be seen
All the colors that make up world that is known.
Universal expansion, from our perspective,
Is without and within. And the way that we live
Reflects pitiful light upon how much we’ve grown.
Civil Rights is the target of the hate machine.

Yet, my view is blue shifted. The bias I own
Is of someone who’s hated for simply being.
So, I’ll claim some authority. That is my choice.
Everyone in a free nation has their own voice.
If it don’t do a whole lot, it’s awful freeing
To respond to the bullshit in my chosen tone.

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