The Magic Realist

Toward An Ease At Performing

Mission of Passion

For some, life is a mission of major import
And assigned by a master they know is within
And a part of all drama both seen and unseen.
It must take a good team to repair a bad spleen.
Some jobs are not for people whose patience is thin.
One can only respect performers of this sort.

Do they make it look easy? I can’t answer that.
What I’d seen on TV long ago can’t be real
Nor could it even come close. As far as I know
Miracles are performed daily, and they bestow
Restoration of function. A lot they can heal.
Because practice makes perfect, they have much down pat.

Clearly out of the limelight and main public view
Work is done with true diligence and with a cause
Most aligned with their natures in service to all.
One may notice there isn’t the sent of Lysol.
Alcohol they use mostly as it mostly was
Easiest to procure for the work that they do.

Easy is their performance to those who may see
Not the act behind curtains drawn. Only the few
Who are privy to witness what is taking place
In the spaces where folk rely on divine grace
To ensure that the team will indeed pull one through
Get to know the real deal. Should it matter to me?

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