The Magic Realist

Asking Without Resistance

Fervent Request

When you ask you have focus and conscious intent
Regarding what you’re wanting but sometimes you don’t
Get the answer you’re looking for. It’s because you,
While you’re asking, may be feeling hopeless and blue
And if you can’t find your way around this you won’t
Have success in escaping your present torment.

When you ask it is given but you must be in
The right mode to receive it which means you can’t be
Feeling needy and broken with tears in your eyes.
That kind of behavior anything would despise
But the universe doesn’t. It will happily
Hook you up with more misery to your chagrin.

The expansion of the universe happens when
Through your sorting through contrast you ask for something
To be better so that future generations
Benefit from your asking. Congratulations
Are in order for all the wellbeing you bring
To the world through your suffering now and again.

Asking Without Resistance takes practice indeed
But it’s not all that difficult. All that you ask
For is given so be careful what you ask for.
If you’re coming from darkness you’ll only get more.
Asking can become for you an uplifting task.
Answers to your asking are always guaranteed.

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