Archive | December 2022

Gratitude Makes It Happen

Loving Here And Now

I enjoy being called upon to do something
Wonderful and exciting. It gives me the chance
To show off my magnificent abilities.
I am grateful that I can perform with such ease.
Everyone gets a kick out of my song and dance.
To the table I have but my best self to bring.

I don’t need the condition to get this feeling
Of fulfillment. Others are not necessary
For me to be about life truly excited.
All alone I can be perfectly delighted.
It is as if the whole world revolves around me.
I know how to reach a state that is appealing.

It is counterintuitive to me right now,
But it won’t be for long. The more effort offered,
The more I hold myself in the wrong vibration.
In this way I can hardly get anything done.
I’ll become a spiritually conscious nerd
So that infinite wisdom I’ll learn to allow.

For this life I am grateful. It’s an emotion
I can feel without trying if I really care
About joy in my living. My acknowledging
The good things about life and appreciating
Everything I consider a sacred prayer.
Gratitude is something to give much devotion.


Personal Magic

If I don’t care about something, therefore I’m not
Resisting it, then it will come most easily.
If I want it a little bit and have little
Resistance about it, then I know that it’ll
Be a little bit difficult. If I really
Want it but don’t expect it, turmoil have I got.

So, in my not wanting and not caring about
Something, I can attract it. Therein lies the key
To creating. Wanting something a little bit
And then letting the desire expand will permit
Many good things to flood my life naturally.
If I want something, it is best that I chill out.

Let desire grow a little… or generally.
Think about what it feels like to be in that place
Where I have what I’m wanting. Let the momentum
Gather quickly. The manifestations will come
Easily through acceptance of infinite grace.
I can have things the way I prefer them to be.

The speed will pick up as the Law of Attraction
Causes general wanting to turn specific
In how it arranges people, places, and things
In support of my purpose. Fulfillment it brings
To my life, which is for me now a magic trick.
Less resistance in life is good for everyone.

Get Your Answers Directly From YOU!

Your Inner Oracle

Questions I have about life and why I exist
Overcome me. I would like to communicate
With my inner being a bit more directly,
But nothing that I can understand comes to me.
Can I get answers without my having to wait?
There is no way that my questions can be dismissed.

Most subtly it must happen in the beginning.
I must be in alignment with it in order
To receive it. I am it, as far as I know,
But therein lies resistance. I have to let go
Of the question, which is not what I would prefer,
Yet it’s probably the answer to everything.

The vibration of the question is different
From that of the answer. I cannot concentrate
On the question forever. The answer will come
When I am ready for it. All emanates from
Being in a receptive and positive state.
I anticipate a spiritual event.

I’ll let it rest within me for a day or two.
Then I’ll unclutter my mind through meditation.
Having left the question much a thing of the past,
Inspiration is offered to me from the vast
Fund of infinite knowledge. How well I have done
In getting my answers from the source that is true!

Open Doors

Unlocking Destiny

Anytime that you want something, it matters not
What it is, in the moment you launch the desire,
You acknowledge the not having of it also.
If there’s one, then the other is something to know.
So, how do you get to the point where you acquire
What it is that you’re after? This matters a lot.

Having done all your wanting, and as you begin
Or continue to give your thoughts to your knowing
That it will manifest, you are in the best place
For receiving the blessings of infinite grace.
Concentrate on the ways you can keep it flowing.
Be thankful for the wonderful state you are in.

The balance of the universe is all about
What you’re adding to each side of the equation.
If you’re focusing more on the lack of something,
Then only disappointment your wanting will bring.
You are now more receptive to the pervasion
Of abundance in your life. You know beyond doubt.

Acknowledge all the positive aspects of what
You’re living. You will open the doors, in this way,
To utter satisfaction in the here and now.
You have noting to do but relax and allow
Universal forces that are always at play.
Only your own resistance will keep the doors shut.

Get Used To It

Life Is Wonderful!

Much fulfillment you have now. The time you have spent
Working on your vibration becomes evident
In your manifestations and how well you feel.
You’re an expert at making your dreams become real.
You have mastered the technique of feeling content
Regardless of conditions that life may present.

Innocently, you like being crazy and wild
With excitement about everything that you do.
You used to be afraid of appearing too weird
To others. That illusion has all disappeared.
You know your craziness as an asset to you.
With it, all your creativity is compiled.

What is crazy is following one’s own guidance
When the vast population at large wants you to
Follow certain conditions that they have laid out
Even though they may generate genuine doubt
As to their sensibility. You are one who
Specializes in crazy in full abidance.

Get used to things working out for you. Get used to
Ideas flowing to you. Get used to timing
That is perfect. This is the way things ought to be.
Get used to good things happening naturally.
Let your bell of being be forever chiming.
Feel the freedom of living a life that is new.

Powerful Statements

Strength Written

Life is supposed to be good for you. This is so
By the promise made to you before you came here
In this time-space reality. All is aware
Of who you really are and all that you’ve put there
In your Vortex of Creation. What you’ve made clear
Is that, through life’s contrast, you are destined to grow.

The larger part of you is aware and focused
Upon your vibrational escrow. It’s holding
The tone for that. When you’re in the vicinity
Of receiving the signal, happy you will be.
When you’re not, then your wishes are not unfolding
Into physical essence. It is about trust.

The emotions you feel are your very best friends.
Whether positive or negative, they guide you
Away from or toward complete satisfaction.
Friendly indicators they are. You are the one
Who decides in each instance what it is you’ll do.
It is best to go with what your gut recommends.

It’s easy to shift thoughts. You do it frequently.
Things are working out for you. Make lists of those things
That are easy to feel good about, and focus
Upon them often, and give yourself an A plus
For alignment and your positive offerings
To the world you inhabit most passionately.

Fundamentals Of Vibration

Heterodyning Frequencies

There’s this thing called the Vortex. It’s like a whirlpool
Of magnificent, pure, positive energy
That you have been creating since before you came
To this earth. One could say that it feels just the same
As a visit to heaven. It is ecstasy
Definitely, the Vortex is something way cool.

You’re a vibrational being. You can access
Your Vortex of Creation at any moment.
It contains the spiritual essence of all
That you’ve ever wished for – both the big and the small.
It is reached easily through your conscious intent.
You can’t get there if you are in a state of stress.

Find vibrational alignment with your Vortex
By being satisfied in the heat of desire.
Wanting without resistance allows receiving
Of the thing wanted. It is by your believing
That it will manifest, so infuse your entire
Being with knowingness to get the right effects.

A deliberate creator you came to be,
Knowing that there’d be contrast to inspire you to
Want for better conditions. Your Vortex expands
In response to your wanting. You are in good hands
When you realize the much larger part of you
Who is guiding you always vibrationally.

Righteous Surrender

Submission To Existence

My desire is not what I am surrendering.
It’s only the resistance that keeps me unsure
Of what I am surrendering to. There’s some doubt
That I will be happy with the way things turn out.
If I want something, my vibration must be pure.
Not onto petty battles am I meant to cling.

Life has caused me to ask, and I want to believe
What they say about asking. It will manifest
If I know I’ll receive it. The energy of
Being in the receptive mode is far above
That of doubt, lack, and discord. It would suit me best
That a positive outlook I strive to achieve.

Trying too hard, defending myself constantly,
Justifying, and rationalizing will bring
Only much disappointment. If I can let go
Of such things, then much better things I’ll come to know.
To surrender in no way involves torturing.
It’s about my alignment with source energy.

The first manifestation is an emotion.
If it feels good, I’ll welcome it. If it feels bad,
I’ll look elsewhere to find something to focus on.
The conclusion that I will do well is foregone.
My emotional guidance is my best comrade.
To my inner being I give much devotion.

Find One Hopeful Thing

Light Within Darkness

Find one thing that you feel optimistic about.
That’s a bit of a challenge in this day and age.
But that shouldn’t deter you because there is hope.
In these times of unrest it’s difficult to cope.
It’s to your advantage if you do not engage
With the drama or anything that offers doubt.

When you do find that something that gives you relief
It distracts you from everything else going on.
Give it your undivided attention, and then
Life will prove that it makes sense again and again.
One cannot wish the contrast to up and be gone,
But you can learn to deal with it by your belief.

When you feel like the rubber band has been pulled back,
You are ready to Let Go. As soon as you do,
Momentum gathers quickly. A little bit of
Allowing goes a long way. The thing that you love
Is the key to bringing other blessings to you.
Any resistance comes from your feelings of lack.

You are where you are. Your stream is moving toward
What you want. It’s no big deal. You’re more than worthy.
Just chill out because life is supposed to be fun.
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
Things can work out well for you but to the degree
That the negative in your life can be ignored.

Speed Up Manifestation

Instant Creation

You have closed the gap, when you’re feeling satisfied,
Between you and all that you want. Your attitude
Plays a big part – the whole part in what you receive.
You know what you have up your spiritual sleeve
As well as others who are aware of your mood.
How you feel deep inside is something hard to hide.

You are flowing with the new and improved desire
Even though it has not manifested quite yet.
It may take some time because momentum is slow.
There’s one thing that you can do to get it to go
A bit faster, and that is to just simply let
Satisfaction for right now take you much higher.

When you’re satisfied, you are not in your own way.
Complaining about what has happened in the past
And explaining it to others who then agree
And from groups is not conducive to being free
Of resistance. If you want things to happen fast,
In a strong state of satisfaction you must stay.

Where you are, here and now, is a bouncing off place
To more of an alignment with your perfect dream.
Justify not to others what you choose to do.
Each moment can be one that’s exciting and new.
You’re caught in the current of a fast moving stream.
It will take you to all the things that you embrace.

Control Every Manifestation

The Magnificent Brain

What is manifestation? You know it to be
Something brought into being through conscious intent
Or through unconsciously creating without care.
As your life is unfolding, you are more aware
That you are manifesting in every moment.
You can be present in each one successfully.

Money, people, places, and the perfect lover
Are all manifestations. The way that you feel
Is also your creation, as well as how you
Play with others. In fact, everything that you do
Is a manifestation. All that is made real
In your life is of your doing, you’ll discover.

Be aware of the creation happening now,
And then adjust your vibration accordingly.
You’re not looking long term where you have not enough
Power, answers, or clarity. Don’t make life rough
By pretending to be who you weren’t meant to be.
All that comes to you is by how much you allow.

The most important manifestation of all
Is a good feeling moment, and you have control
Over that. Know that you’re the creator of you
And you life as it happens. Each moment is new
And one in which you can manifest from your soul.
Manifest happiness in a big way or small.

The Awesome Power Of Focus

The Magnificent Mind

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself all kinds
Of improvement. The things you have been asking for
Are attended to by the Law of Attraction.
Things are coming together as you become one
With who you really are at your ultimate core.
We are creatures of magnificently made minds.

The way you feel is the indicator of how
Near or far away you are from your cherished dream.
You do not have to get other people involved
To succeed. Any issues of doubt are resolved
Through your own guidance system. You’re headed downstream
In the wellbeing river, if you will allow.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Components in creating will offer you more
Of the same. Others can be a part of your plan.
If the Law brings them to you. Believe, if you can,
That you can feel better than the moment before.
Be open to what the universe has to give.

You are powerful enough in your creation.
The cooperative others will assemble
According to good feelings. You have that control.
Happiness is your very most important goal.
Feeling ecstasy that makes your body tremble
Is always beneficial to most everyone.