Archive | September 2020


Uncrumpled Communication

Barnyard cats on a roof made of tin that is hot
Are two minds interlocked in a heated debate.
Exchanging my ideas with others can be
Sometimes not worth the bother. If we can’t agree
Then there’s no sense arguing until it’s too late
For civility. Then discord enters the plot.

Time and energy wasted in foolish chit-chat
Controversial in essence by nature is vain.
Egos value appearance. To put on a show
To tell others I meet with how much more I know
Is one sure way to end up among the insane
In a well padded lockup. There’s no need for that.

Difficulty in speaking my mind I have not
Yet I’m willing and open to hearing all sides
To a logical argument. Keep still the heart
I must do when I find that I’m taking full part
In communing with spirit. It faithfully guides
The encounter’s direction. This helps me a lot.

On my toes and alert all the time I can’t be.
Vigilance is a falsehood extracted from fear
Of the next conversation that threatens my peace.
I can’t keep myself quiet so I find release
In this thing that I’m doing that I find so dear.
Anyone who would argue cannot contact me.

Enlarging My Scope

Confident Self-Expression

Knowing where I should stand is to know where to sit
And to love what I’m doing as I’m resting there.
If I claim to be upright I may not stand tall
Next to almost all others. If I can recall
That uprightness is relative then I’m aware
Of a more refined justice to our benefit.

I like keeping my eyes open to everything
In the vastness around me without the debris.
An oil painting of real life shows nothing obscene
Unless shades of the fake life have made the heart mean.
Both portrayals prepare the observer to see
Which is preferable and what peace it may bring.

More decisively active I am when relieved
Of the clutter the lens catches due to high speed.
Slowing down is effective, but crap is still there
And should I magnify that, I’m blind with despair.
When it gets a good cleansing, my spirit is freed.
Wider vision becomes a dream fully achieved.

Much more focus on standing than feeling at ease
Inflicts harm on the body if it carries weight
That surpasses its limit. The need to reduce
The big buildup of baggage and vain self-abuse
Becomes evermore urgent in these times of hate.
Indeed, one has no one but oneself to appease.

A Pleasant Respite

Nature’s Peace

In the bliss of contentment away from the grind
There is time within moments to breathe in the air.
A wonderful sensation refreshes the soul.
Necessarily forgetting is not the goal
But to go to a calm place and become aware
Of the essence of life and how it is designed.

Entertainments, amusements, and things of that kind
Are diversional tactics to placate the pace
Of the rat race run riot. How rare the relief
From an eon of effort. Though it may be brief
Always there is the chance that some life you’ll replace.
Every human needs time to relax and unwind.

It need not be alone time, although it could be.
It is not about withdrawal from everyone
But about getting closer to dear mother earth
Through the inner connection that we’ve had from birth.
Human life is a clockwork of chaos homespun.
A respite is most pleasant. Who would not agree?

Expansive is the outlook. With generous heart
All the gifts one is blessed with are returned in kind
Through the heart back to nature by how we are healed
Of the wounds from our battles. What may be revealed
Is life’s ultimate meaning all clear in the mind…
Or if not then it serves as a decent jumpstart.

Too Hot To Trot

Enhanced Desire

A bare chested young man on a horse is a sight
For those eyes seeking service to more body parts.
In the heat of adventure, the he-man aware
Fully of all his assets, will show some with care
Not to incite a pussy fight or break the hearts
Of the many whose passion he’s prone to ignite.

Let the horse do the trotting, The man is too hot.
It’s a bother. Besides, it would be a disgrace
To be walking the beast when control must be shown.
It gets wet the young ladies and gets them to moan
While engaged in a fantasy dripping in place.
Should he keep a shirt handy to soak up the spot?

  Aggressive is his nature yet soft to the touch
So that with the right female good sex can take place.
If she is strong and healthy and has proper genes
They’ll commence copulation by various means.
It’s the means nature uses to maintain our race.
Her control supersedes his by so more than much.

He must strut for some action as male creatures do.
The performance is judged and assessment is made
As to aesthetic value and genuine worth.
Being that we have dominion over the earth
What could be more exciting a hot escapade
Than to banish the urge to reinvent the screw.

Under The Carpet

Where Secrets Are Swept

Pleasant conversation and congenial discourse
Among others escapes me. I’m low at my game.
Difficult and contentious and sometimes profane
With most others, I seldom have something to gain.
I’m swept Under The Carpet and fettered with shame.
For the things I have said I’m consumed with remorse.

It may be that I rub others quite the wrong way.
I may show my affection yet some would recoil
Thinking I may be threatening. I’m out of line
When I feel I’ve done nothing and everything’s fine.
What is true to my nature can cause much turmoil.
Should I keep to myself and have nothing to say?

Sometimes I’m hypersensitive and I may lack
The required mental discipline for social play.
No one needs to remind me when I am this way
But they do and aggressively to my dismay.
Delicate is my dance somewhat like a ballet.
If I do rather poorly I’m prone to attack.

Reasoning becomes secondary to my peace
Which is clearly ass backwards. So what I must do
To ensure readjustment is to play along
As if I understand things. How could I go wrong?
Where I find myself swept I may find yet a clue
To escape this rut so that my charm may increase.

Growth Is Inevitable

Challenged to Grow Beyond Confines

Way beyond my resources I’m willing to reach
For the light that I’m after while grounded in place.
I may run into trouble every now and then.
Obstacles I encounter again and again
Offer life changing influence. Such is the case
For the nature of growth. It has lessons to teach.

Previous attitudes have placed me where I am
And the present ones lead me to where I must go.
On the path to fulfillment of my purpose here
All I need do is never to rely on fear
To resolve any issues if I am to grow.
Life is easier when I stick with the program.

Growth translates to abundance in my frame of mind
When the health of my spirit is lively and strong.
Otherwise it is painful and leads to defeat
Of the purpose of living. The threat of deceit
By the self is the reason that it will do wrong.
I’d prefer that I’m upright and outward inclined.

Leaps of faith are essential for moving along
On the journey for without them life would stand still.
Were that to happen to me my growing would cease.
I must persevere onward to further increase
What I have and enjoy by the way of good will.
As time has its way with me I’ll sing but its song.

Repair Works

Wanting Power To Make Changes

Any system quite broken by constant abuse
Everyday for a long time needs urgent repair.
People eager and qualified to do just that
Now prepare for the challenge of moral combat.
Their support is akin to the rockets with glare
That we haven’t had sight of since hell was let loose.

Radical are the changes that need to be made
To malfunctioning structures that have been in place
For too long and were implemented from abroad.
History will devote much to this era’s fraud
Running foot loose and rampant. What utter disgrace
Is a sodomized country consumed by charade.

When in contact with criminals folk become ill
And receptive to logic that elevates crime
To a complex fecality meant to portray
Every act as benign. What a price they must pay
For the harm done to so many in a short time.
What will be returned to us is our civil will.

Time for digging beneath the fake surface has come.
Fairly soon the illusion dissolves into dust.
And the focus on issues of human concern
Elevates the Repair Works that we may return
To a functioning freedom in genuine trust
That we’ll never return to what we’ve survived from.

A Day For A Daydream

Mesmerizing Allure

Fertile imagination with time to get lost
In a mystical daydream, my cares are on hold
Or have been fully transmuted to finer ones
That don’t give the stressed out mind a case of the runs.
The surreal simulation is fully controlled
From a place where there isn’t a need to accost.

Natural is my wanting fantastic relief
From the gross denser daydream and ugly nightmare
Taking place in reality. Psychic escape
Is a respite from rancor and ruling class rape
Of my sense of belonging. I’m wanted elsewhere
Far away from the turmoil and turbulent grief.

I am fascinated by mysterious things
Of ethereal substance that I can behold
Only in a more conscious state. So I must dream
To support and maintain a more loving life theme.
Synthesizing what I sense, my story is told
From a free flowing spirit as words become wings.

Spiritually insightful ideas come
To the self in a dream state not fully awake
To the too vivid detail the mundane reveals.
I must pay close attention to how the self feels
Then adjust the lucidity for a retake
On how this day turns out by the beat of my drum.

To Your Advantage

Recognition Of The Lucky Brake

What has power to influence what kind of luck
One would hope to encounter? Or should one ask Who?
Is it one supreme consciousness from which comes all
That can be known or unknown but by divine call?
Either way, here’s a shout out for all that you do
To support my existence. I rarely get stuck.

As I make fresh connections in new surroundings
Opportunity infiltrates into the air
That becomes a strong current propelling me to
Whatever I imagine. Your wishes come true
As do mine. My advantage is just that I care
Less about lavish lifestyles of wannabe kings.

Love and beauty are foremost in mind and in heart
And it helps to have good taste. The choices I make
Affect not only me but the whole world at large.
Not a single day ends until I’ve taken charge
Of my crumb from the cheese chunk while fully awake.
Acting as nature guides me, I’m playing my part.

Willingness to reach compromise is a fine trait
Among earth’s many creatures. How all get along
Is by cooperating, mostly – not by war.
History keeps account of the bloodshed and gore.
Memorizing and exalting hell is damned wrong!
All it does is rekindle the torches of hate.

Handling The Trivia

Clarity of Perception

Constant thought with no action gets not a thing done
Yet the mindless behaviors are second nature
To the first, which is duty to order and class.
Processing all the small stuff leads not to impasse
But to digesting as much as one can endure
For the oddest of reasons – simply to have fun.

With most paperwork cleared from the part of my desk
That was once right before me, it’s time to relax.
When the business of being belittles the soul
Self-inspired entertainment will render it whole
Once again. When I’m capable of kinder acts
I am then strong enough to avoid the grotesque.

If to showcase one’s skills among community
Generates friends and colleagues, then let it be known
That we each come with talents. Some think they’re from God.
Most of them are familiar, and some are quite odd.
Networking yields connections one can’t make alone
Since we’re not telepathic, at least presently.

Information superfluous flows through the field
Of the fertile awareness which is consciousness
For the purpose of practice and mental hygiene.
As I’m Handling The Trivia much more is seen
Of what is most important for me to express.
Somewhere in the assessment much truth is revealed.