Tag Archive | vibrational currency

Big Money

Money Storm

The dollars that flow into your life are just the
Evidence of the vibrational currency
That you’ve got going on. If you think thoughts of lack
Chances are regarding money you don’t have jack
But if your thoughts are about living happily
Then you don’t have any issues about money.

Most people will allow the abundance of things
Like friendships, lovely sunsets, and vitality
But they don’t allow the abundance of the flow
Of the money. They’ve practiced the lack of it so
Much that thoughts about money bring on misery.
Full of woe are their vibrational offerings.

You want to be filthy rich with satisfaction
And enthusiasm about being alive.
It can happen but you must be happy without
The manifestation. Joy is what it’s about.
Of your right to be happy no one can deprive
You and it’s because of the Law of Attraction.

If you don’t have Big Money you’re not ready to
Receive it. It’s that simple but you can prepare
To receive by believing that it will be done
And by then concentrating on having more fun.
Your vibrational cupboard can never be bare.
Piles of money are wanting to rain upon you.

Make Your Short List

Joy Of Writing

Think about your gift of sight and think about all
The things that you could look at, then to yourself say,
“I have this gift of sight for the pleasure that it
Brings to me. It’s simply for my own benefit.”
In alignment with your inner being you’ll stay.

What you do to get there is both easy and small.

Think about all your senses. They’re for your pleasure.
What other reason is there for them to exist?
You did not just get planted here. You came to feel
This whole physical experience which is real
To your senses. Nothing about them is dismissed.
To your body they’re a valuable treasure.

You came with the ability to think for the
Pleasure of it. Do Not use it to solve problems.
Start reaching for the thoughts that are pleasurable.
In a short time you’ll find that they’re quite plentiful.
Be thankful for your internal guidance systems.
You are designed to think good thoughts naturally.

Make a short list of things that you would like to see
Manifested – not things that have any value –
Just some things that you’re interested in seeing.
You’ll be shocked by how fast they come into being.
Once you’ve mastered the small stuff you can advance to
The next level of conscious creativity.

Stop Trying

The Social Climb

You want to resonate with your inner being,
So you have to look forward. You cannot go back.
What do you have in your Vortex of Creation?
When you ask, it is given, so know that it’s done.
How do you tolerate thoughts and feelings of lack?
How do you get to a better way of seeing?

Your Vortex of Creation is all of your dreams,
Hopes, and wishes. It is a nonphysical thing.
Believe in its existence, and then get happy.
Everything in life happens vibrationally.
Do whatever in this world that makes your heart sing.
You’ll have wonderful things flowing to you in streams.

You don’t need to toil for its justification.
You just need to stop doing that thing that you do
That prevents it from coming. Stop your worrying
And trying to make it happen. Stop hurrying
On the treadmill to nowhere. You are the one who
Can change everything about your situation.

You don’t want the manifestation anyway.
What you want is the thrill of the manifesting.
You want to create. You don’t want the creation.
You’re in the receiving mode when you’re having fun.
Be aware of the vibration you’re offering.
Get your blessings from bliss. It’s the best price to pay.

Vibrational Readiness

Frequency Magic

Dollars flowing to you is just the evidence
Of the vibrational currency going on
In your life. How you feel about money reflects
How much of it you have. It’s not all that complex
A concept. It is but a conclusion foregone,
Therefore it should be easy to make it make sense.

Practiced thoughts about lack of dollars will prevent
Inspiration and insights toward abundance.
Measuring money with action and worrying
Will not bring you fulfillment. Instead it will bring
But more impediment to your world of finance.
Your vibrational currency hasn’t been spent.

Just step back from the picture. You can speak about
Energy, which means, talk about satisfaction.
Filthy rich in enthusiasm you can be.
You have ample abundance of vitality.
Cash in your vibrational chips of attraction.
Let the universe know what you want without doubt.

If you don’t have the money, then you’re not ready.
It’s that simple. You must be happy without it.
Your thanking and appreciating are the keys
To success on your journey and relative ease
In attaining all that is to your benefit.
Your guidance will keep you reassured and steady.