Tag Archive | social unrest


The Current of Change

To Transist is a Function of body and soul.
Through the base thought emitter behavior occurs
From earth’s ground to the positive for history.
So Transist equals Function infinitively.
Technological blurring creates social slurs
Inconsistent with all components as a whole.

That’s how damned complicated the system must be
To ensure the protection of those we elect.
Bullet proofing behavior between love and fear
Is the fast current flowing. Expecting severe
Hostile intent to manifest, all must protect
And defend what we stand for. That’s simple to me…

…Yet too easy to say as what’s fated transpires
And the news networks niggle the narrow escapes
And catastrophes thwarted by sharp eagle eyes.
By God’s grace we’re inventive which surely implies
That we can be a lot more than mean hairy apes
Swinging dick-like in rhythm with hurtful desires.

Just as any Transition from hell to new light
This one mutates significance to the degree
That the Substrate of We The People comes to know
Normalcy electoral, as we are the flow
Become current and rectified powerfully
By renewed faith in government doing things right.

Petulant Of Persona

Fire Starter

Easily there is conflict to find everywhere.
For the one who is looking, potential is ripe
For creating a firestorm so hate can be heard
And felt deep in the soul. When emotions are stirred
By complex fabrications and poorly brewed hype
Then the crowd agitated acts out in despair.

Everyone with an ego, in one of two ways
It can be used – in fear, or in doing some good.
It is by choice we each find a path to engage.
Acrid actors are destined to burn down the stage
In irrational outrage. Like dry kindling wood
Those who choose to burn hot will set themselves ablaze.

Idleness fuels distractions of heated content.
Reinforcing delusion delights by the day
And by night, holy terror is set to be laid.
Under cover of darkness hate crime will be paid
To unfortunate ones who they’ve deemed as their prey.
There’s no getting through to those who live to foment.

What they do in their day jobs is just a backdrop
And a means of survival… not quite a career.
Simple minds, meager lifestyles, and bigotry are
Attributes of the ones who rip open the scar
With an insane agenda to elevate fear
To a thing to be proud of. How soon will it stop?

Restore And Rejuvenate

Facing Familiarity

As without, so within; as above, so below.
If there’s turmoil identified is it in me?
Do the streets in my vision see fire and brimstone?
Is there hatred outside me, or is it my own?
Thank God I have no TV yet trouble I see
Way more than what is needed but less than I know.

Things that are most familiar and closest at hand,
Like the people I know and love, give me some peace.
I’ll depend on relationships and make them strong.
To ourselves and to everyone we all belong.
No whitewash on a brick wall can offer release
Of the deep rooted tension I can’t understand.

My instincts are creative for bad or for good.
I alone get to choose which one that it will be.
There’s no heat in the moment nor is there a chill.
How one interacts socially is by free will.
Were we made and put down here to all disagree?
It makes no sense to heart nor mind. Who says it should?

We treat animals badly. Perhaps it starts there.
Being harmful to people then isn’t too far
From the general premise that some are not worth
A good place in society or on the earth.
Who would dare to conclude we know not who we are?
What besides our aggression can we hope to share?

We’ll achieve restoration. Some time it will take
For the soul’s evolution and replenishment
Of the spirit communal. We can’t get along
As long as we make certain groups out to be wrong
Due to race, creed, or class. We compel our descent
As one treacherous species. When will we awake?