Tag Archive | patriarchy

Tuned To A Different Dicklength

Phallic Omnipresence

Do I mistreat the meat of another trombone
In a mystical orchestra conducted by
A half-Klingon deep space skink of talent profane?
Would the world become saner if dick were to wane?
What depends on one’s Dicklength is not worth the try
When one knows that in time it will be overthrown.

One’s Dicklength is one’s heartbeat. A suit and a tie
Or blue jeans and a hardhat are symbols well-known.
It is by competition the better succeed
While the best make their way to the top through their greed.
  It pertains to both genders though it’s overblown
As an ideal condition. Things have gone awry.

The inverse of one’s Dicklength may be Latency.
Each divided by one, the other it becomes.

Could this be about time to do some simple math
To determine the consequences of our path?
It may be wise to take time to beat other drums
So the curse of the Dicklength dissolves completely.

Rights Worth Fighting For {?}

Standard Depiction of Patriarchy

If we’re doomed to identify with body parts
As but One Race, then why not did we choose the brain
Or the heart or some other part? Why sex organs
Have become for us magnets with legs, arms and hands
With one sex of more value is perfectly plain.
We worship the economy. That’s where it starts.

As it was then, the ‘go-getter’ is of value.
Everyone in the household gives him their support.
No one else is of mention except for the wife
Who looks after the kids and ensures a good life
For the more worthy workhorse. Designed to distort
Our perceptions, society has not a clue.

When we say, “He’s a big man,” has he a big heart?
It means he has a bank account fatter than most.
Women, by the mere fact that they excel at birth,
Are who we should be honoring. They are Our worth.
Yet, within men and money, we’re fully engrossed.
We make women subordinate. This isn’t smart!

What happened a while back? Many women took aim.
But, amid much confusion, the target was lost.
Women started believing that they should be men.
Do we mimic the mess and return once again
To the ways of perversion and gain at all cost?
As a society, we’ve not much depth to claim.

The front end of our culture should be consciousness.
If it’s not, then the fate of antidepressants

Will continue to be that of half our women.
When we recognize all people as equal, then
Evolution of society is immense.
The economy, and all else, will yield success.

Cocksocket Mismatch

To conflate rhetorically morality and mechanics

Someone grab that Cocksocket before it gets loose!
Lefty Lucys are legal, but only so far
As the man’s eye can stand it. Demand it, he must,
That he have full control of the whole hole. Unjust
Is the female contraption who’s not like a car.
The mechanic says there’s no such thing as abuse.

Who denies that the cock is a versatile tool?
It can brute force most stubborn things back into shape.
With the wave of the phallic wand, what was once law
Is now broke dick endangered. There must be a flaw
When every swinging dick has the license to rape.
Tools are inanimate, so how can they be cruel?

There’s a Cocksocket Mismatch. It’s not a tight fit.
There’s a sense of anxiety. Flesh is at stake,
And it’s that of one gender – the female machine.
What would happen if Spirit chose to intervene?
Of all tools in the toolbox, which one will it take
To restore what’s been settled? Why all the bullshit?