Tag Archive | New Year

A Day For A Daydream

Nature's Pleasant Surprises

Loving spoonfuls of wonder, a blanket of snow
Unexpectedly ushering fun and delight,
And a childlike excitement are right for this day.
I may just bundle up and then go out and play.
Let the new year be subtle yet sunny and bright.
What the past has to offer I don’t need to know.

It’s A Day For A Daydream to last through the year –
One that I create each moment I choose to be
Receptive to the nature of all that takes place
In a world made magnificent. Our human race
Is both symptom and cure for its insanity.
All the newness I’m feeling is not tied to fear.

I have work that I must do… much of it mundane
With some fruitful forgetting and more yet to learn.
Each moment is the starting point of the release
Of life spent and the welcoming in of new peace.
How I live for this day is my only concern.
What has not come awake is my urge to complain.

Hopefulness is the pleasure of provident grace.
Reassures me it does that at least I exist
Right along with the space and the things around me.
I reach out in true blindness but contentedly.
In the long run there’s nothing of life that I’ve missed
So this day made forever is all I embrace.

Let Go!

It's A Flush

Deep spiritual cleansing is done at year’s end.
The completion of one cycle welcomes the new
With profound expectation that life may improve.
What on God’s green earth does it take for me to move
Past all past reawakening and get through to
That which is of most essence devoid of pretend?

In the past year I’ve learned how to write fairly well.
My opinion is fantasy to the degree
That I rate recognition. Others do much less
And gain love and respect. If contempt I express
Then the karma created cannot let me see
The next year without clinging to the past year’s hell.

 Learning how to let go of the life I create
Is a process encumbered by urge to sort out
What I need to get rid of that’s holding me back
From a possible future of feeling less lack.
Memories reoccurring bedevil all doubt
That my humble existence is governed by fate.

Nothing has any meaning, and life makes no sense
Unless others come part way. But if not at all,
Then it’s all up to me to survive and to thrive
In apparent aloneness yet fully alive.
May the gift that I offer some day not be small
Yet my growth in this new year be strong and immense.

Toward A Newness Of Year

TheMagicRealist.comThere’s a big year to come, and it’s nonsense to some.
World predictions are rampant as well as bad news.
Big horrific earth changes will bring death and pain.
And the few that survive will be driven insane.
It’s our nature to make up and harbor such views
That are utterly baseless with outlook so glum.

The solution? Get happy by whatever means.
There’s a day set aside for that recurrent need
To just party and cast all cares swiftly away.
It’s still good therapy if but done for a day.
People drink lots of booze or they smoke lots of weed
Because most of the year we behave like machines.

It’s a happy new year every year at this time.
No two years are the same though repeated in ways
That reflect our propensity to see things through
‘Til the next time the calendar tells us to do
What we’ve done through the ages in reticent praise
Of our possible fate  in eternity’s chime.