Tag Archive | meditation

Shorten The Time

Rely On The Timeless

Happy Days were upon us. Some want their return
And will do anything to grasp tightly those roots.
Onward though does the dial move away from the past.
Fettered dreams of simplicity fade away fast
In the heated up present. Regretful pursuits
Are the game plans of many with little concern.

Some believe our democracy hangs by a thread
As perhaps it did always from its bloody start.
It is something to fight for. Just saying the word
At the start of our sports events is as absurd
As the sheer lack of justice that cuts to the heart
Of a once perceived order that now appears dead.

All the things that I’ve wanted this nation to be
Is a dream that I still have. The contrast is good
As it causes me to fill in much more detail.
I’d prefer it not be at the pace of a snail.
How do I cut the time frame, indeed if I could?
…By not focusing on things I don’t want to see.

I improve my ability to recognize
What it is that I’m wanting. It’s perceptual
In its humble beginning. Yet it picks up speed.
Focusing more there, I am essentially freed
To explore all the fruits of my best accrual.
One small change in my outlook is one worthy prize.

Leave It Alone

The Awareness Of Danger Is Sufficient

How do I want what I want, then Leave It Alone?
It’s by my feeling worthy. That’s all that matters.
If I keep asking the question, I cannot hear
The answer that I should when it’s perfectly clear.
While I stand in the absence, my big dream shatters
Into fragments of sharpness. Why am I so prone?

The reason that the life that I want doesn’t come
Is because I’m too stuck in the struggle and pain
Which I think will work miracles if I work hard.
Yet, in fact, all my efforting means that I’m barred
From the thing that I’m trying so hard to attain.
I know this, yet I falter. Why am I so dumb?

How do I set my thinking about it aside?
Well, there are a few things that I’m willing to try.
Distraction is a good thing. By keeping busy,
So the mind has no time to be in a tizzy
Over conjured catastrophes, I can rely
On the business of keeping myself occupied.

Going general is another way to leave
What I’ve asked for alone so that my vibration
Is a match to the frequency of the answer.
Life does often work out. I’m a better dancer
Through created momentum and my elation
For the process I’ve set forth that I may receive.

From Your Inner Being

One Who’s Never A Stranger

Is there anyone in there who looks out through me
And knows all that is needed for living life well?
Yes, there is someone present who knows everything.
My communicating with that person will bring
On a wholesome environment in which to dwell.
In the very beginning, it happens subtly.

I must be in alignment with all that I am
Which means simply that I am most open and clear
To receive the connection, but then when I do,
I Am It! The connection is solid and true.
To perceive or to analyze will interfere
With my maintaining presence within my program.

The question and the answer are quite different
In terms of their vibrations. They do contradict
Each other. So the focus is on the answer.
To be stuck in the question can give me cancer.
Meditation is helpful. It need not be strict.
Twenty minutes a day is time that is well spent.

My question rests within me for a day or two
To make clear what I’m asking. Then I meditate
And listen to what flows, then record in some way
What I get from my spirit self. That’s how I pray.
I look forward to frequently reaching that state.
Who I am on the outside is rendered anew.

The Next Step

...On The Way To Fulfillment

Procedures within cycles within processes
I observe, then take caution. Ascension is far
To the goal that I’ve set. My vibration may be
Not as high as I need it to be completely
In the mode of receiving. Yet my prospects are
Excellent at the moment. I can be at ease.

My experience tells me that steps are required
To depart from one level and get to the next.
But the question is, “How do I move on from here?”
Fortunately, the answer is simple and clear.
Finding joy in the process, I’m not so perplexed
Even though there’s no evidence of what’s desired.

There must be the desire, but I need to allow
What I want to be handled. My giving it thought
Is the way that I block it from coming to be.
What others see as normal is magic for me.
My beliefs are a nuisance. With them I am caught
In calamitous thinking that I can’t avow.

The best tool used for climbing is meditation.
As it quiets the mind it will stop resistance
So that broader perspectives are open to me.
Obvious are the next steps when I finally
Stop believing that my climbing is done by chance.
From where I am my journey is all but begun.

I Am

Unlike Any Other

Welcome magic and wonder, true brilliance, and grace.
Welcome joy, satisfaction, all pleasure, and strength.
May the essence of beauty and presence of form
Be the way of existence and surely the norm.
Excellence be the blessing throughout the wavelength
Of the spectrum of Being in this time and space.

What I seek I have already. What I must know,
I can understand. All I wish I could, I can.
Who I want to be, I am. What I seek, I own.
I comply with the knowing that I’m not alone
And have never be so since before life began.
I accept love and give all that I have also.

I am seed. I am tree; the flower and the bee.
Fire and wind I am both. I am mother and child.
I am mighty and loud, yet I silently tread
Lightly upon this earth. The goodwill that is spread
Is of nature. I am reason, and I am wild.
I’m the buyer and seller who oft’ disagree.

I am ease and great power; the bridge and tower.
I am sand and the beach. I am student; I teach.
Modest and monumental, I’m brave yet gentle.
I’m all that exists and I’m coincidental.
I am many and few; I am every and each
Of God’s essence within you as life does occur.

Another World

Alien To All That Is Known

From one world to another I want to transcend
In a state meditative whenever I can.
Freedom I have to enter a world of pure bliss
Which in life is the sweetest nectar. Like a kiss
To the confounded consciousness, it is more than
A brief break from attention the mind does expend.

With a peanut sized consciousness I can only
Have a peanut sized understanding of most things
But if I can expand it beyond boundaries
Then the world becomes friendly, and my acts appease
Others’ whose offer harshness. The exercise brings
On a flood of awareness most definitely.

There’s a pure vibrant ocean of consciousness in
Each one of us, and it’s called The Unified Field.
Modern science says all matter emanates from
This Field which has a consciousness that can become
That of anyone seeking it. What is revealed
Is awareness divine yet within human skin.

People look like friends rather than enemies when
They have sought true alignment by going within
Where there’s infinite knowing, creative release,
And a path that will lead to the ultimate peace.
Can this life be a game that one can play to win
With no harm done to others as ever has been?

About Sleep

Nocturnal Flight Of The Spirit

An addiction to sleeping…? Why not a disease,,,
To be unconscious one third the time I am here
Should be called my existence? It fits like a glove.
In my dreams, like a free bird, I zoom out above
Where I can’t when I’m wide awake in constant fear
As my life quickly wastes away and no one sees.

It’s at worst therapeutic. The cycle of sleep
Has a three quarter rhythm like some poetry.
It’s the nearest escape hatch without absolute
Departure from the physical. Rather acute
Is my life situation. Where I need to be
Is far off from where I am, so my soul does weep.

Meditation and sleeping are somewhat the same.
They both bring much relief from the troubles at hand.
As each is made available, there is my chance
To remember that I am not my circumstance.
Terminal, though it seems, may it help me expand
Far beyond a solution to mitigate shame.

I rely now on guidance. I’m on cruise control.
Things I do throughout my day I don’t think about.
Mindfully automatic with each daily task
With no judgment from me, I do most humbly ask
That I live through my hell with no measure of doubt
That redemption is possible for my damned soul.

Healthy sleep is wellbeing of body and mind.
I have more energy, and my mood can remain
At a workable level. If I were ok –
Like no one on this earth – I’d have nothing to say.
I exist to express things, and it keeps me sane
And conscious of the moments when I’ve been unkind.

The Time Is Always Now

The Infinite Coupling Of Existence

The body is a cosmos with a cosmos.
It’s made up of some particles – none that are me.
I’m the space in-between all the physicalness.
I came into this stardust to grow. My progress
Is determined completely by how well I see
I am not who the body is nor even close.

Knowing what time it is when a challenge comes due
Is somewhat of an asset that I have right now
Which is happening always. My life and my plight
Are two separate entities. I do me right
When I come to my senses – the five that allow
The connection to spirit in all that is new.

There is only one moment. In it everything
That is happening changes, for now and always.
Life is meant to have challenges. It’s how we grow.
Satisfaction is futile. As long as I know
That it’s part of all drama, my character plays
Its best role as a novice yet up and coming.

“This time you’ve gone to far, God! No more can I take.”
It’s a comedy act that I’ve played in the past.
I will deal with each crisis life tosses my way
And rejoice in its coming. That way I will stay
In relief of the burden. No longer typecast
The perpetual loser, I am my fair shake.

Keep Breathing

Go On No Matter What

People say, “Just Keep Breathing; all will turn out fine…”
As if life is a breath test. It drives me insane.

I don’t mean to be cranky… or maybe I do.
I’m awash in confusion. Should my face turn blue
Due to misunderstanding, I’ve nothing to gain.
Crisis times trigger breathing by nature’s design.

That first breath was a doozy. It blew me away
From the one who contained me, for better or worse.
Why should I keep on breathing? It gets rather old.
I can breathe my damned lungs numb. Nothing will unfold
But a room full of hot air. Is my life a curse?
Or do those who can breathe well have something to say?

I take my breath for granted, as many folks do
In the mainstream of living and keeping ends tied
But it’s the only answer to staying alive.
We can never stop breathing. It’s how we survive.
Once the technique is learned, wellness can’t be denied.
Then I’m able to handle what I’m going through.

I can curse like a sailor because I was one.
I’ve screwed up rather royally for one lost soul.
I’ll breathe that along with the fresh air I’m allowed.
Things I’ve done in the past can never make me proud.
I’m alive to the point where I still can be whole.
The decision to breathe is a new life begun.

It Is All Happening Now

Eternal Beingness

Something feels great big gobs of relief in knowing
That the only occurrence is spontaneous.
Things just happen as they should or shouldn’t without
Consciousness being present. And yet there’s no doubt
Things continue to function as many discuss
Ways that they can control them because that’s their thing.

Some things get in the way of my thinking clearly.
Knowing full well that that is an oxymoron,
Still I try to break through the illusion of me.
Thoughts and feelings are much of what I seem to be.
Cloudiness leads to conclusions falsely foregone.
Reset I must my consciousness to better see.

Everything is a “happening.” This is groovy!
Time warps are but ideas, but breathing is real
Just as retinal rods and cones processing light.
Fortunately no one trusts me to get that right.
In respectful observance I touch the ideal.
Knowing there’s no observer I’m there completely.

So, there’s no self to speak of. It’s all happening.
All of now is eternal and is everywhere.
Breathing in and out happens as wind moves the clouds
Whether fate shows its favor to protesting crowds.
Nothing is more important than being aware
That distinction exists not. I am everything.

The Process Of Awakening

The Emergence Of Consciousness

Falling back into old patterns is not to err,
For it’s part of The Process Of Awakening
To awareness transcendent and truly sublime.
I’m aware of the negative things of this time,
But to see far beyond it I’d do anything.
Sometimes processes take time. I’ll find it to spare.

It can come on spontaneously like a blast –
A volcanic eruption from pressure intense –
Or a gradual sputter, infrequent yet sure
As it burns away ego which does but obscure
The bright light of the true self – the one that makes sense
No matter what is happening in life’s contrast.

There are two views divergent. One is: Do Nothing.
Natural is the process awareness fulfills

At its own pace without interfering at all.
The other is: Do Something, but answer the call
With spiritual action, the kind that instills
Faithfulness through the process. Much good this will bring.

Therein lies the best setpoint. The blend of the two
Means that life force within me propels my intent
To engage in spiritual practices that
Are quite easy to do once I know the format.
Such hard work is a pleasure and is time well spent.
What has been and is happening has much value.

Just Attend To Your Breathing

The Life Affirming Function

A delightful companion is always a plus
In the fine art of ‘breath watching,’ as it is called.
It’s a mechanism of the body, we know.
When we pay more attention to it, we will grow
Both in health and in spirit. We can be enthralled
By this motion magnificent for life and thus.

It is the most practiced form of meditation.
It’s so basic and simple while easy to do
Since we do it most constantly yet not aware
Of this God given process. We give much more care
To our outward appearance, but any guru
Would advise more attention to breathing be done.

A sharpness or a keenness begins to ensue
As perfect becomes practice within a time short.
It’s a process amazing most naturally.
One can only get more conscious and completely
Needless of preparation or others’ support.
An increase in awareness will surely accrue.

The perpetual play of my breath, as I see,
The maker of my body holds with a kind hand.
The taker of my being, the same creator
Whose hand I firmly hold until there is no more,
Has no wish to escape. My most vital demand
Is ongoing fulfillment of wanting to be.

What Else Could Go Wrong?

Words Never To Be Spoken

Lapsing into the luxury of commenting
On downturns heir apparent and workplace remorse,
One can only become a cantankerous cuss.
The attraction time buffer I’ll take as a plus
I can use to make changes guided by the Source
With the widest perspective who knows everything.

I attract what comes, but there is no real delay.
If I stay ticked off long enough hell will brake loose
In a mean millisecond. “What else could go wrong?”
I shall never repeat. To the Source, it’s a song
That sings, “Bring me much what else…” This is self-abuse!
How can I expect goodness if I am this way?

Rather than listening to the negative news
And the gear shifting gossip… Before leaving home
I can focus the new day into how I feel –
Morning fresh and abundant. I’ll notice appeal
Where I had not expected. Freed from the syndrome
Of the ho-hum habitual, I may amuse.

Before manifestation of good things or bad,
The perception of time is the steering away
From the path that was chosen, then coming right back
To the track one was on but with some sense of lack.
Knowing Source is a process one learns day by day.
Benefits that are promised remain ironclad.


Effortless Alignment

What is successful living? Does it mean the same
For each and everyone upon earth now alive?
The answer is both yes and no depending on
What one’s meaning of life is. The phenomenon
Of the meaning of meaning’s proneness to contrive
Less than real things of value the ego does claim.

Resolutions for new starts begin with release
Of the past segment’s chaos. All my suffering
Is of either the body or the troubled mind.
Separation between them and me is most kind.
Meditation achieves that. Indeed it will bring
About certain relief and a feeling of peace.

Outside things that will happen I’m not shielded from.
But what goes on within me is worth giving more
Of my focused attention. My feeling at ease
Is a measure of joy – not a goal I must seize.
Ease and joy are equivalent, and keeping score
Reinforces what is and invites more to come.

What is eaten had life once. Should I feel respect
Since it is part of me now? With such I must treat
With appropriate reverence and gratitude.
It gave life as a blessing. Sacred is my food.
Harmonizing with nature can make the life sweet.
To the earth’s vast intelligence I must connect.

Incensitive Spirit

Salvation By Aroma

“It’s the Atmosphere, stupid!” Who speaks in this way
But political talking heads seen on TV?
Insulting one’s intelligence ain’t very nice.
But the gurus of India wouldn’t think twice
About teaching the ignorant how they should be.
But to heck with my ego. I’ll hear what they say.

Spaces indoors are filled with a blending of smells
Within energy structures that have an effect
On spiritual processes undertaken.
They may impede the method used to awaken.
When the air’s a bit funky, with all do respect,
Then proper ventilation refreshment compels.

Both the shape and size of the room are important.
That’s one whole other topic not right for right now.
Every detail has meaning for those so consumed
In the perfection of a room that is perfumed
With a powerful essence which will more allow
Meditation to go well. Who’d say that it can’t?

Replicating the outside and natural air
Filled with fragrance organic is what is achieved
By the use of fine incense or essential oils.
That which is not of nature essentially spoils
Atmospheric integrity… so unperceived.
Incense lifts up the spirit and sanctifies prayer.

Awareness In Any Moment

Instantaneous Joy

Special moments come often when I am aware
That they are most significant. Meditation
Can be done while in motion with life as it plays
With fun-loving lightheartedness most of my days.
I access deeper presence once I have begun
Treating each iteration of life with much care.

I’m aware in this moment of being at peace
With myself and with others, yet vibrant I feel
Underneath my composure. If I shout with praise
Perhaps people would notice then augment their ways
But I know folks have free will. It’s not a big deal
For Right Now is the place where I master release.

Being conscious of being conscious of the fact
That my conscious awareness of being aware
Of the self brings a merging. Subject and object
Become one in communion with no intellect
To fog up the occasion which wouldn’t be fair
To myself nor to those with whom I interact.

In nature there is stillness. To meet with a tree
Or to contact the earth directly through the feet
Are but teaching experiences of many
Where I can master moments by letting each be
As it is without judgement – an essence complete
In itself with perfection most naturally.

Lessons learned about stillness are taken to heart.
They’re the keys to the moment when it appears lost
In the haze of the thought sphere of business at hand.
I surrender to freedom as it will demand
Every bit of my energy but at no cost
For ensured re-fulfillment and a fresh new start.

The Trail Of The Master

Inner Peace

Take a walk on the good path. Some folks have been there.
They return to it frequently to be at one
With the earth and its cosmos suspended in space.
And this is the best way to put calm in your face.
One’s communing with nature is second to none
A complete remedy for exhaust and despair.

Put some food in your pack and just go for the stroll
Into beckoning nothingness and with no plan.
You will find there is life there you knew not before
Organized and more complex. One cannot ignore
Its immense ecoefficiency. If you can
Take a break from the rat race and make yourself whole.

Forest land has been with us for millions of years
Making home for their species and cleaning our air.
For their maintenance they have relied on no one
Through the eons. Without us, nature is well-run.
Life can tie you in knots, but if you really care
Take The Trail Of The Master. Don’t bow to your fears.

Become A Powerful Human Being

Union of Human and Cosmic Power

Human hands hold potential. They are the control.
Like the mouse to computer, they do many things.
When the energy system is tuned properly
We can know this in ways we don’t usually.
As we use our hands rightfully, good things this brings.
The slightest movement of them will touch every soul.

One whole fifth of our energy goes to the brain.
There, it can dissipate through our incessant thought
And reactions to living and anxieties.
If we spoke less and meditated, this would ease
The poor brain of its workout. When no longer fraught,
It will stop wasting energy much to our gain.

So, do that which is necessary and with grace
To oneself and to others. Power, we can know,
Is about being empowered. Domination,
Often taken for true power, truly has none.
It takes only some practice and patience to grow.
Notwithstanding my station, power I embrace.

Inescapable Ease


People can suffer burnout from doing too much.
At the point of exhaustion some choose to go on
Until illness becomes a part of the whole mix.
Doctors’ pills and procedures are peddled to fix
That which has become broken. Conclusions foregone
Demonstrate how we’ve shifted from nature and such.

As is so of our bodies, the earth is alive.
Inescapable Ease is her method of choice.
As she meditates for a brief time everyday
Many creatures upon her will see it her way.
Every part of her body can feel her rejoice.
We can make what we want of our quest to survive.

Nationalistic notions devolve, in due course
Of their own lack of life force, to pathology
Of the mind, heart and spirit. So, do take the time
To invest in serenity and life sublime.
Take the load off the overworked secondary
Winding of you transformer and get with your source.

Wisdom, Meditation And Bliss


Mysticism means exploration into things
That I have not the knowledge of – so far, so good.
Everything that I know not, I can’t understand.
If I find one with wisdom and peacefulness grand,
Is that person anointed with true guruhood?
Is what I know that others don’t worthy of wings?

If I lost all my assets and felt quite depressed
My mind would try to trick me into true demise.
But if I held my breath for two minutes, I’m sure
That abundantly free air would act as the cure
For my habit of teetering on compromise
Of my spirit. Sometimes, it’s adversely expressed.

 The most sophisticated machinery here,
The unique human body is of pure design.
Yet it can be encumbered with high maintenance.
That appears true for most folks and seems to make sense.
Living totally means that there is no deadline
When it comes to engaging all that we hold dear.

Your Source Is Never Up Your Ass


Your Source cannot nor will not behave like your boss.
If you need time to levitate, Source will agree.
With you shoes off and postured in true lotus style,
You’ll tune in to your third eye and chill for a while.
Perhaps none in the office will not even see
As they’re so busy working at masking work loss.

Your Source does have its place, and that may be at home
But at home is the infinite cosmos wherein
Alignment with God Consciousness is the main goal.
Let your work take a break as you refresh your soul.
To ignore divine calling is to commit sin.
You would not get much work done in such a syndrome.

Your Source can’t be the bastard who breathes down your neck
And demands to see much more hard work out of you.
Your Source has not a fetish for your body parts
Unlike difficult people with fear in their hearts.
Put some ass in your mantra and add the boss too.
Your value will increase as well as your pay check.

Observing The Chatter


Background noise from the Big Bang can sometimes be heard,
Like a light, high-pitched sizzle recessed in the mind.
The sub audible clutter adrift in the brain
Can remain unattended, but there is some gain
In Observing The Chatter because it’s designed
By our guardians to offer what is preferred.

Pure sound gives us some focus when we meditate
To the lull of a waterfall or singing birds.
It engulfs all the cosmos in one single tone
And is translated rightfully to each his own.
When I notice that chatter has turned into words,
Are they those of my spirit? Should I concentrate?

Sometimes it’s my own chatter that gets in the way
Of receiving what should come directly from God.
I can tell somewhat easily which voice is mine
And which one is all knowing, more loving and kind.
Do I strum to his image as he gives a nod?
If I’m sure it’s his chatter, then it’s a good day.

The Blissful Behind


The most blissful behind has not much on his mind.
That he has one is kind of a nuisance to him.
So he keeps the thing quiet. Most anyone can.
It takes some time and practice for woman or man.
Draw your shades, take your shoes off and make the lights dim.
As you do this more often, folks think you’re refined.

There is no one more kind than a blissful behind.
And quite by the same token, assholes are a pain –
Not in theirs but in mine. I must keep those away
Who would treat me unkindly and dare ruin my day.
As I meditate often, I’ve so much to gain.
I was meant to be loving, trustworthy and kind.

I’m no stranger to chaos. That’s why I must take
A brief time-out to let the old mind take a drain.
It’s a nice tool for bridge building. That’s a good thing.
But it needs counterbalance and soft nurturing.
If my behind can’t get it, I may feel the pain
For my being too negligent for my own sake.