Tag Archive | intuitiveness

Find Your Purpose

Intense Focus

It’s not something you look for by magnifying
What’s in front of you or anywhere else for that
Matter. Your purpose can only be found within
You. It can be found easily when you begin
To use your inner guidance. You’ll get better at
Finding what to do that is most satisfying.

You know that what you resist only shows up more
In your life so the difference between knowing
When to let go and do nothing and to push on
Is the guidance within you. When all hope is gone
You can rely on what your guidance is showing
To you clearly as ever it has done before.

The intuitive voice within you tells you when
You’re not honest with yourself so it’s your conscience
Telling you that you shouldn’t have done this or that.
You cannot turn it off so what you’re looking at
Is what keeps your wheel turning yet at the expense
Of your ego but you can make it whole again.

It’s the voice that you don’t want to hear but you must
Listen to it and do what it tells you to do.
Give it your best shot and let go of the outcome.
Anything that you want to do has to come from
Deep within you. When you access that part of you
You’ll find your purpose. In the process you must trust.

Spiritual Calibration

Vibrational Cleansing

Energy gets polluted. Sometimes we need to
Calibrate the atmosphere spiritually
Of its negative content. Segment Intending
Is a process, and it’s a way of extending
Into the next time period how it should be.
A Segment is anytime change happens for you.

What is it that is the easiest for you to
Feel appreciative of? What makes you happy?
Get a good rampage going. “I am thankful for
This moment, and I look forward to many more.
I am thankful that things are working out for me.”

Can you feel what is going on? I hope you do.

For the very near future, you can calibrate
By your statements of thankfulness and wellbeing.
Speak your way into happiness in the moment.
This way, you form the next by your conscious intent.
You will find that the universe is agreeing
And rewarding you for being in a high state.

You may be calibrated to unwanted things.
A well-practiced belief is a calibration.
When you tune to the frequency of happiness,
Everything else is taken care of, more or less.
You don’t have to ‘do’ anything to get things done.
You have control over near future happenings.