Tag Archive | Georgia

A Safe Path From The Past

Sole Escape Route To Survival

Bittersweet is the taste of a triple play win.
All three pillars of government have become blue.
But the danger still present will not go away.
What we most have to deal with was put on display
For the world and our ugly selves. Those acts of few
That resulted in murder are graver than sin.

We know what’s at the root of the insanity
Of the disgruntled millions who want to see change
Back to Civil War times when the lives of value
Were those only of white men. The rest of us knew
To succumb to the mindset or something not strange
Like a hard public whipping is what all would see.

  We’re a nation divided. This isn’t fresh news.
But it must be accepted, examined, and owned
Lest the cycle continue on unendingly.
Hatred isn’t unique to us, but others see
How in us it is triggered and widely condoned
Easily and with vigorous will to abuse.

And thank goodness for Georgia, the state of the peach
And of powerful women who turn their defeat
Into something miraculous nationally.
It is my time to celebrate, but I must be
Cognizant of the dangers most real and concrete
Among people ensnared by the values they breach.