Tag Archive | continuous process

Voluntary And Involuntary Actions

Spiritual Brain Function

There’s a difference between involuntary
Actions and those that aren’t. It’s been so decided
That there are things that are done beyond our control
And things that we decide to do. What makes this whole
Thing a problem is that it’s somewhat misguided.
The thin line between the two is arbitrary.

If I decide to move my hand, do I decide
To decide or just do it? And if I don’t know
If I do or not, then is it voluntary?
I can control my breathing, but unconsciously
It keeps on without my knowing. How it does so
I know not. How can this fallacy be applied?

Arbitrary then too is our definition
Of the self. It includes not only the body
But the planets in orbit and all that exists.
The illusion of our separateness persists
Only because as a collective we agree
That it’s the best way toward our evolution.

You body knows that you’re one with the universe.
A strange thing happens when you become more aware
That your blood circulating is the same process
As star systems evolving. There is nothing less
Than magnificent unity that we all share.
We must now convince ourselves that it’s not a curse.

Voluntary And Involuntary Actions?

The Mind/Cosmos Connection

I decided to move my hand, but I did not.
Are these acts voluntary… to move or decide?
If we don’t decide to decide but just do it
Then how do we ‘just do it?’ I humbly submit
That our knowledge of such things leaves some things denied
That if were allowed would clear things up quite a lot.

I can feel myself breathing deliberately.
Full control I have of it, but when I let go
Of my focus upon it, it will continue.
Is this voluntary? Or does it have to do
With subconscious processes? Can anyone know
The nature of volition most absolutely?

What we do and what happens to us we believe
Are two separate entities. This is not so.
Everything is but one thing. All acts that occur
Interlink through a matrix. We are, as it were,
On our own, yet together is how we must grow.
The fabric of our lives is a delicate weave.

Just as waves are continuous with the ocean,
The body is the same with the whole universe.
It’s you who circulates you blood, but that’s not all.
Your are shining the sun, and you cause rain to fall.
All motion is accounted for. It could be worse,
But it’s not, and it’s all due to laws of motion.