Tag Archive | climate change


The Scourge Of The Planet

On its axis it spins as it orbits the sun.
Tucked away in a safe lane where life can evolve,
The earth is a unique place in this part of space.
It is well within reason to fully embrace
The magnificent order which does not involve
Fears that it may collapse before it’s all begun.

In close proximity to other planets, the
Earth is part of a system that keeps on going
At least for a few eons more and without flaw.
Scientists and philosophers ponder with awe
This machine of perfection that all is showing
To we humans who need to grow desperately.

Our fears have become many throughout history.
Things are put on the list, and then they are removed
As we find the solutions, but then there are more
Problems found. It is our fascination with war
That keeps our consciousness where it can’t be improved.
All that ever changes is methodology.

A hundred years from now, what will be on the list
Of the things most not wanted? The list we have now
Will be shortened… then lengthened. A new set of fears
We will have to propel us into new frontiers
Of unsolvable worries. We’ll manage somehow.
Our biggest issue is to learn to coexist.

Air Apparent


What we leave to our children is what was left us.
It’s the same earth and climate, but how it evolves
On our watch, at our mercy, is ours to ensure.
Have we done a fair job, and is our conscience pure
With no semblance of guilt? Our uncaring dissolves
Any hope of a future that we can discuss.

Have I opened my eyes wide to all to be seen
In some part of a lifetime most present and sane?
How do I speak of sanity? I know it not
From a hole in the ozone we just plum forgot.
What is sane is unspeakable profit and gain
And success in the moment. I must see past green.

We have made Air Apparent in its toxic state
A dysfunctional challenge to posterity.
Have we made them the wise ones who must take control
Because we, as their leaders, are bereft of soul?
Should our own self-undoing strong-arm us to see,
Can we earn back respect, or is it much too late?