The Power Of Walking Away

Moving On

Boundaries are a precious thing. When they’re ignored
People will take advantage of all that we are.
That’s just Human Behavior. We all are guilty.
Even without our noticing, we completely
Take advantage of others. Some will go too far
Such that damage is too complex to be explored.

How does one regain sovereignty after it’s lost
Through one’s need for approval? It cannot be done
Unless one has direction and purpose in life.
If these two are not present one will suffer strife
At the comfort of others. But what of the one
Whose value can be purchased at such a high cost?

When I feel obligated to those I work for,
Or to family, friends, or others I may know,
Then I tell them that my time is worth less than theirs.
I end up in a sick game of musical chairs
Where I’m always left standing with nothing to show.
Is there some sense in pondering why I’d want more?

Some people are real assholes, and some… just a bit.
I can love them just as much as I do the kind-
Hearted angles among us if firmly I stand
In my fullest integrity. None can demand
Self-destructive behavior of me. I shall find
That by Walking Away, true freedom I permit.

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