Speed Things Up

Increasing Momentum

When in any moment you’re feeling satisfied,
It’s a good indicator that you’ve closed the gap
And that you’re flowing with what is new and improved.
Even in its absence you remain far removed
From discouragement. You know that it is a trap.
It will only make the chasm ever so wide.

You are not introducing resistance, meaning
You are not in your own way. Dissatisfaction
Tempts you into complaining to others who will
Follow you because they get some kind of a thrill
From the hardships of others. Don’t be self-undone.
You know when your vibration requires some cleaning.

Where you are here and now is the bouncing off place
To something more appealing. Endure the contrast
Of the present. Your inner being takes the bounce,
But if you don’t, the gap widens by huge amounts.
So, the way that you can get things to happen fast
Is to be in that positive, satisfied space.

Sometimes your bouncing off place is not as pleasant
As you’d like it, if fact, it can be an ordeal
To go on functioning. Keep the bounce in your heart.
Every moment of your life can be a fresh start.
You are free to create in your life what is real.
Satisfaction you can find within the present.

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