Archive | February 2022

Who You Really Are

The Truest Self

A spiritual being you are at your core –
Not a physical body. It is but your home
While you’re here on this planet. The essence of you
Is your eternal spirit. All that you go through
To be human need not be an awful syndrome.
There are so many wonderful things to explore.

When you stand in your now moment, somehow, someway
You have practiced yourself into an altered state.
It’s a high flying vibration where you’re not pissed
Or worried about something that doesn’t exist.
From your state of alignment is where you create
An attractive life story where it’s fun to play.

Your are pure positive energy, so allow,
Because you’re at that high frequency already,
Inspiration to flow to you now and always.
Be in love with the place where your consciousness stays.
Your are much more than what you thought yourself to be.
You receive by the thoughts that you are thinking now.

Your are now the extension of that source within
And that’s when you feel passion and more clarity.
It is when you’re most clever and your funniest.
Your magnificent self is the one that’s expressed.
Feeling better is always the best way to be.
You can feel more than comfortable in your own skin.

All You Have To Do

Here It Is

There’s no need to be fake about feeling your best.
If you feel yourself trying then something is wrong
With your way of allowing the good times to roll.
When you learn how the laws work you will have control
Of your daily momentum. It doesn’t take long
To attain what you’re after because you are blessed.

Find something that you just feel good about and then
Focus only upon that. Let it resonate
Within you until you feel momentum increase.
It becomes easier then for you to release
All the negative drama you so well create.
You have been in that awful way time and again.

You may have five things going that are important.
Four of them may go terribly and only one
Is doing quite the opposite. Focus on it
And the others will improve by not just a bit
But a whole lot. A whole lot of work can get done
When you know things you can do from things that you can’t.

What’s so hard about thinking about things that feel
Good instead of the things that will make you feel bad?
You’ve been trained to believe in struggle and effort.
But you know now to disregard thoughts of that sort.
Focusing on bad stuff drives you stark raving mad.
You are the one who knows which is of more appeal.

There’s Nothing Ahead

Slow Down

Lovers think that they are looking for each other
But there is only one search. It is wandering
This world is wandering that, both inside of one
Transparent the sky. In here, as all said is done
There’s no dogma or heresy and not a thing
On the long road to nowhere on earth as it were.

The miracle of Jesus is himself, not what
He said or did about the future. So forget
The future. I would worship someone who could do
Only that but I fear that there are but a few
Who can get through the journey without some regret.
Would it be much the wiser to temper one’s strut?

On the way you may want to look back, or may not
But if you can say truly “There’s noting ahead,”
There will be nothing there. Stretch your arms and take hold

Of the cloth of your clothes with both hands. Pain is gold
And itself is the cure for it. Live and break bread.
This moment is the only one that can be sought.

Good and bad are mixed. If you do not have them both
Then you don’t belong with us. Just where you belong
Is of your own creation. When one of us gets
Lost, is not here, there is not a call for regrets.
That one must be inside us healthy, whole, and strong.
There’s no place like that anywhere. Thus is our growth.

Talk To Your Cells

Bodily Wisdom

Most of us assign all thinking ability
To the big blob of gray matter between the ears.
This indeed is an inaccurate assumption.
Transmission and reception of pure thought is done
By each cell of the body. To us it appears
That we do all the thinking most exclusively.

Each cell has consciousness, and each wants to feel well
But the conscious decision is not all that strong.
So the body responds to the collective thought
Of the whole human race and to thoughts that are not
Beneficial to wellbeing. Living cells long
To be given direction that they may excel.

Doctors think that some ills are hereditary
But the fact is that cells of the fetus receive
Worrisome thought transmissions from the sick parents.
The fetus thinks not consciously so it makes sense
That the force that is stronger is what cells perceive
As the way that is normal and the way to be.

You may talk to your cells in a personal way
Telling them that you love them each and every one.
You can speak to them as if they are your old friends.
Tell them what you want from them. This one act transcends
The beliefs of society. All that is done
To communicate wellbeing strengthens your day.

Source Will Show You The Way

Relax Into Your Desire

You are powerful beings and worthy beyond
What can be described easily. In the sweet spot
Of creation, you came here to ask and receive.
Life can suck but your Source knows just how to relieve
Your most negative feelings. You’ve asked for a lot.
It Is Given. Your Source can do not but respond.

Life causes you to ask, and Source shows you the way
Around any resistance that you’ve created
Then provides what is asked for vibrationally.
It is up to you only to let yourself be
In the mode to receive all that is awaited.
You have only the Source within you to obey.

Anything that is practiced becomes powerful.
Good or bad are the choices. You know which one feels
More attuned to your liking. You know what to do
When a negative feeling becomes part of you.
A rampage of appreciation often heals
Negative psychoses even with their strong pull.

The guidance of your Source is always at your call.
It is ready, willing, and able to give you
Every clue that you need to get you through your day.
Infinite intelligent forces are at play
To help you to discover the one person who
Is yourself at your truest – the best one of all.