Archive | October 2020

Creative Self-Expression

Provocative Personality

Do proceed with your decadent self, I insist!
For if not, all the world will not know of your name.
Be completely assertive in how you perform.
Take the stage if you want to depart from the norm.
You have people’s attention. Success you will claim
As the prize for your efforts. Be by the world kissed!

Feeling quite warm and friendly and light on my feet
In the midst of my projects and gadgets galore,
Totally I’m excited. Just give me some space
To inform and delight you. The look on my face
Says it all, and I intend to give you much more
Than you think could be possible. This ain’t conceit.

Consciousness of appearance is highly maintained.
Making my good impression is first and foremost
So that you’ll get to view me as fully prepared
And profoundly professional. Confidence shared
For a meeting enlightening as we’re engrossed
In unique entertainment is easily gained.

 Creative Self-Expression is freedom to be
Unrestrained and inspired by the passion within
To communicate meaning in every which way.
Infinite is the power in what people say.
Knowing that I have value is where to begin
Brushing up on my act so that others may see.

Personal Advancement

The Game of the Line (of work)

Feeling good about people is something most rare
To those who are forsaken and cannot belong.
I do have mental illness, as many these days.
Fortunately, I manage in creative ways
To ensure my connection with others is strong.
Self-uncertainty certainly leads to despair.

Seeking out others like me or any at all
Is a notion disquieting. I’d rather not
Unless I can be sure I’m not seen as needy.
I don’t know what that term means, so I disagree

That the cost of companionship should be a lot.
When alone, I’m the right size. With others, I’m small.

Life has been a slow train wreck. I keep moving on
To some point in the distance. The drag slows me down.
To myself, I’m no danger… nor to anyone
As my chance for Advancement is gone by and done
Yet somehow I’m not wearing that ugly a frown
And the judgments of others I feed not upon.

Everything must be Personal. Friendship is based
On goodwill and commitment toward making it grow.
Confidence in myself to be open and free
Among uncertain others does still evade me.
Finding faith in my fellow I cannot forego.
All my fears about people will have to be faced.

Soft Lights

Ethereal Magic

Feeling somewhat artistic yet dreamy this day,
Dealings unrealistic are meant to evolve
In the way that is natural. Sunlight is shade
In divinity’s shadow where heart is conveyed
As soft hues of contentment completely absolve
The most sin-laden soul so that it learns to pray.

Inspiration can manifest in many ways
During times of reflection on life while alone
With oneself and the spirit that dwells in us all.
For today all the big issues shall remain small.
The business of reality I will postpone
Until I find transcendental peace in my daze.

Daydreaming is a blessing that time must allow.
Inalienable is the right we possess
To explore with abandon our cherished ideal.
In a world only I control, deep wounds I’ll heal.
My return to the real world with much reduced stress
Will be one where I function the best I know how.

The imagination, timeless honored and vast,
Is the fertile condition for self to unfold.
A new sense of compassion and feeling less weight
Comes about through intent and the drive to create.
The eternal adventure is yet to be told
With immutable passion that I have amassed.